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Mercury Outboard Winner Repowers His Passion for Boating

How winning a Mercury FourStroke engine helped Duane Stevens continue making memories on the water

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On the surface, Duane Stevens’ boat might not look all that special.  

It’s a 1974 Sylvan 816 pontoon. And while the boat is still in great shape, 50 years of use are bound to show up in different ways, just as they have on Stevens’ Sylvan.

If you only look at the surface, at the scratches and faded lines, you miss what that boat means to the 76-year-old from Martinsville, Indiana.

You miss the relaxation, a whole other world where daily life slips away. You miss the friendships; a tool Stevens has used for decades to communicate and get to know other people. Most of all, you miss the memories, some so strong they illicit tears of both joy and sadness.

Yes, it’s a special bond Stevens has with his boat, and thanks to winning the “Win a Mercury Outboard” sweepstakes, it’s going to be special for him and many in his life for years to come.

duane repower winner story

A Lucky Surprise

To say Stevens was in disbelief he’d won the sweepstakes is an understatement. After all, he'd entered the contest almost four months before finding out he'd won.

Stevens almost forgot that he signed up for the giveaway. And while he certainly has entered other contests in the past, for the most part, it’s just not a priority.

That might be because at heart, Stevens is much more of a giver than a taker. In fact, Stevens is the epitome of a giver. While long retired from his job at General Motors, he now spends much of his days driving people to and from medical facilities and appointments in an effort to help those in need avoid costly ambulance rides. In one week, it’s not uncommon for him to drive enough miles around Indianapolis to get him almost to Florida, and all at no cost to the passengers. He’ll also pick up grocery bills at the supermarket for strangers, host picnics for kids and keep his phone on 24/7 just in case someone needs his help.

So, yes, if he sees a raffle or contest where he feels the money is going to a good cause, you can rest assured he’ll enter. And in this case, he entered for a chance to win something he can use for himself, as well as a way to give back.

The fact he happens to also be proverbially lucky just happens to be a pleasant bonus.

“Thinking back, I’ve always had good luck my whole life,” Stevens said. “I’m a big believer in karma, and I think a big reason for my luck is how I live my life.”

But finding out that he was the winner still came as a bit of a surprise. One that, in his words, “made an old man really happy!” And when the day arrived for Stevens to go to the dealership to see his new outboard installed on his boat, he teared up. He was in disbelief over just how beautiful it looked, sounded and started up so effortlessly.

Repower Pontoon
Duane Repower Story
Duane Mercury Repower Story
Duane Repower Winner

Taking Only What He Needs

It took three phone calls before Stevens actually picked up to learn he’d won the repower contest, and even then, he was skeptical it was on the up and up.

Eventually, though, he realized his good fortune had shined again, and that he had the option to replace his 1980s 25hp Mercury 2-stroke with a brand-new one, complete with the latest tech. For him, the choice was easy.

“I said I wanted a 25hp FourStroke engine,” Stevens said. “They all said, ‘you want a 25? Not something bigger?’ I said, no. I wanted a 25hp engine. “A lot of people would’ve picked a bigger motor and sold it, but when you get to be my age, money doesn’t mean that much. Besides, I’m just not that way. I’m not a greedy person. And believe it or not, the slower I can putt around, the happier I am.”

Plus, Stevens had grander plans than just his own enjoyment for the motor.

A New Engine for Old Memories

When Stevens first met him, Jarrad Ade was just a teenager looking to do some fishing. Yet, almost instantly, Stevens sensed something about the shy teen, a deep connection. Little did he know how far that connection would go.

What started with a single fishing trip a couple days after their first meeting quickly turned into two, then three. And before long, the two were inseparable.

“Me and Jarrad fished night after night out on Lake Edgewood, often fishing until 3 a.m.,” Stevens said. “It seemed like every time he got off work, he was over, and we were fishing.

“He was as close a friend as I’ve ever had. His mom, Lanette, once told me I was like the father he always wished he had.”

Eventually, Ade married and became a father to two boys of his own, and Stevens got the frequent honor of taking the four of them out on his trusty Sylvan pontoon boat. That is, until Ade was diagnosed with cancer, eventually passing away in 2016 at the age of 38.

“When Jarrad died … that really hurt me,” Stevens said. “It still hurts.”

Suddenly, the Sylvan pontoon that brought so much joy was a painful reminder of the friend who was no longer there. Yet, Stevens wasn’t about to get rid of it. Instead, he wanted to keep it and Ade’s legacy going.


While Stevens has an inherent gift of the gab, the thought of Ade’s boys getting the boat one day is enough to make him pause and reflect on the joy his boat has brought him through the years.

“Buying a boat is not just about fishing or skiing or being out on the water,” Stevens said. “It’s an opportunity to make a lot of lifetime friends. If I didn’t have that boat, I’d never have known so many great people. And eventually, Jarrad’s boys will hopefully get to do the same.”

Duane Repower

Learn more about your repower options or request a quote today. And don't forget to enter Mercury's latest Enter to Win An Outboard contest here now through March 31, 2025.

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