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Aluminium propellers

Any boater can appreciate the combination of value and performance that Mercury aluminium propellers provide. We offer an expansive selection designed to fit engines ranging from portables and kicker outboards to high-horsepower powerhouses.


Craftsmanship in every detail

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Innovating right down to the materials

We start with aluminium, only better. The Mercury Mercalloy® we use in our props was designed exclusively for one purpose: crafting high-quality propellers that are durable and longer lasting, giving you more years of fun on the water.  

Prop performance basics

Whether you are looking for a replacement prop or want to optimise your boat’s speed, hole shot or efficiency, keep in mind that prop selection is about more than just pitch, diameter and number of blades. Performance is influenced by every aspect of a prop’s geometry, right down to the cup, rake angle and edge shape.

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The Mercury difference: It is in the details

Mastering the details is what sets Mercury props apart. Our prop experts are relentless in their pursuit of performance and employ the most advanced engineering technology to refine all the little details that make a big difference on the water.

Mercury prop selector

Use this convenient tool to zero in on the right prop for your boat in five steps or less.

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aluminium propeller

Aluminium propellers


Find your prop at your local Mercury dealer

No one knows marine performance like your local Mercury authorised dealer. They can outfit your boat with the right prop and provide expert advice to help you get the most from your time on the water.

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