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Avator 20 和 35e 舷外机

水星推出了 Avator 75e 和 110e 电动舷外机

水星海事开发的 Avator ™ 75e 和 110e 型号进一步提升了电动舷外机的性能。这两款型号是我们迄今为止最强劲的电动舷外机,首次在 CES 2024 展会上亮相,将于今年晚些时候上市,它使船员能够通过高效的全电动系统推动铝制渔船、紧凑型浮船甚至小型玻璃纤维快艇。

Verado 350 和 400 舷外发动机

The Evolution of Premium Performance

Meet the world’s first V10 outboards. Providing legendary power and reliability, with superior refinement and control, the all-new 350 and 400hp Verado engines deliver extraordinary capabilities so you can confidently explore beyond the horizon.


It Starts with the Perfect Wake, Crafted for You.

Your engine lives and works in the water, where it’s constantly exposed to elements that can cause corrosion.

Tips and advice for those new to boating.

At Mercury, we think anyone should be able to experience the joy and freedom that come from being on the water. Our Boating Basics series offers expert advice to help you begin your boating journey with confidence. So you can Go Boldly into each adventure that comes your way.

Performance Data

Mercury engines are designed and tested to provide the highest performance and most enjoyable boating experience possible. Boat House Bulletins provide detailed performance information about Mercury engines on a wide range of boat types and brands, straight from a source you can trust: Mercury Marine.


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